Challenge EcoGreen Energy Results – 2022 Edition

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18 and 19 May 2022 on the Loire-Atlantique circuit in Fay-de-Bretagne (44).

The first edition of the EcoGreen Gas Pays de la Loire Challenge will take place on 18 and 19 May 2022, on the Fay-de-Bretagne circuit (44). The race challenges 12 teams of French, Italian and Dutch students to design, build and drive vehicles capable of covering a distance of 20 km at an average speed of 25 km/h and consuming a minimum amount of fuel.

Biomethane Prototypes

Microjoule 5

2934 km

Microjoule 4

2289 km

TIM 09

2218 km

Hélios CH4

1470 km


485 km

Biohydrogen Prototypes


Biomethane Prototypes

Microjoule 5

Biomethane Urban Concept

OZ Urban Eco Concept

Biohydrogen Urban Concept

Hydromotive 12

Launch party and press conference

Find and download the extracts from the launch party of the first edition of the Challenge EcoGreen Gas .

(Sound in french)

Production : Mstream et Ellipsis 


Find here and download the report of the first edition of the Challenge EcoGreen Gas .

(Sound in french)

Production : Mstream

The photos

Find and download here all the photos of the Challenge Eco Green Gas Pays de la Loire 2022.


Find and download here the interviews to the teams of the Challenge Eco Green Gas Pays de la Loire 2022.

(Sound in french)

Production : Mstream