🇩🇪Team 1 :
University of Applied Sciences of Munich🇩🇪
Hydro2motion is not only a lightweight vehicle, but it also uses sustainable resources and less energy consumption. To promote sustainability and decarbonization, the team uses flax fiber, a natural material used for the body, for its new hydrogen vehicle.
The inter-faculty student team of the University of Applied Sciences Munich, with currently 20 members, was founded in 2009 and has participated in various competitions over the years, including the Shell Eco Marathon, the EduEco and the EcoGreen Gas Challenge.
Major results / Highlights :
- EcoGreen Challenge: 2nd Participation
- 2023 result: 2280 km/L SP95
- In 2023, 2nd place at the Shell Eco-Marathon.
- Their autonomy in 2019 has been determined at 627.3 km/m 3.

- Country: Germany
- City : Munich
- Vehicle name: Pegasus
- Category: Prototype
- Energy: Hydrogen Fuel Cell
- Team leader: Sebastien HEYKE
- Manager: Rainer ANNAST
- Name of the institution : University of Applied Sciences
🇩🇪Team 2 :
TEAM ThaiGer H2 Racing Team – ThaiGer
Hochschule Stralsund🇩🇪
Major results / Highlights :
- EcoGreen Challenge: 1st Participation
- 2023 result: /
- Country: Germany
- City : Stralsund
- Vehicle name: ThaiGer
- Category: Prototype
- Energy: Hydrogen Fuel Cell
- Team leader: Ulrich HÖRHAGER
- Manager: Johannes GULDEN
- Name of the institution : Hochschule Stralsund
🇫🇷Team 3 :
ECAM Lyon (69)🇫🇷
The ECAM Lyon Mechatronics, Mechanics and Technology Association, created in 2020, brings together various activities related to the automotive field at ECAM Lyon. Among them, the H2 Eco’Innov Club, which has been participating in the international Shell Eco Marathon competition since 1997.
The team, composed of about fifteen students from ECAM Lyon, seeks each year to build and optimize a car prototype. This vehicle must then cover the most distance with a minimum of fuel. After competing for more than seventeen years in the gasoline category, the club chose to go far in terms of innovation. Five years ago, the team decided to design a hydrogen-powered prototype.
Major results / Highlights :
- EcoGreen Challenge: 1st participation
- Result 2023: /
- First vehicle built by ECAM in 1996.
- Change from thermal to hydrogen in 2015.
- Record of 324 km/m3 of hydrogen in 2018.

- Country : France
- City : Lyon
- Vehicle name : Experience
- Category: Prototype
- Energy: Hydrogen Fuel Cells
- Team Leader: Quentin LAPLACE
- Manager: Lydie BOUILLET
- Name of the institution : ECAM Lyon
🇫🇷Team 4 :
Lycée Marcel CALLO (35)🇫🇷
The team is composed of ten people: 7 students of the Marcel Callo high school from the Bacs Professionnels and Bacs Technologiques streams, 2 teachers from the high school and 1 adult member of the Helios association. The vehicle was built in 1990, it is a carbon prototype with 3 wheels of 50 kg.
Major results / Highlights :
- EcoGreen Challenge: 3rd Participation
- Result 2023 : 602 km/L SP95

- Country : France
- City : Redon
- Name of the vehicle : Helios H2E
- Category: Prototype
- Energy : Hydrogen Fuel Cells
- Team Leader: Johan VIBERT
- Manager: Philippe BERTELOT
- Name of the institution : Lycée Marcel Callo
🇫🇷Team 5 :
Lycée Jacques de VAUCANSON (37)🇫🇷
The team of the Lycée Jacques de Vaucanson is composed of friends from the STI2D final year class. It is a mixture of STI2D speciality EE (energy and environment) and ITEC which forms a good team spirit. The project was paused after the Educ-éco challenge at the end of 2019, the prototypes were hung on the wall and are returning for the EcoGreen Energy Challenge this year. The hydrogen prototype team consists of Louis, Zacharie, Ylan, Adriano, Maël Perré and driver Maëlys.
Major results / Highlights :
- EcoGreen Challenge: 2nd Participation
- Result 2023 : 1189 km/L SP95
- First participation in the Educ-éco challenge in 2013
- Gender parity prize at the Educ-éco challenge in 2017
- 1st prize for the hydrogen prototype in 2018
- Participation in the 10th Educ-éco challenge in 2018
- 1st prize for the thermal prototype

- Country : France
- City : Tours
- Vehicle name : H2ML
- Category : Prototype
- Energy : Hydrogen Fuel Cells
- Team leader : Maxime LECOMTE
- Manager : Laurent MOULIN
- Name of the institution : Lycée Jacques de Vaucanson
🇫🇷Team 6 :
ESTACA (53)🇫🇷
iDrogen is a 100% student association working on energy-efficient vehicles powered by hydrogen. Since 1984, associations at ESTACA have been working on energy-efficient vehicles.
This association has decided to continue its work but with a new energy: hydrogen.
Projects are passed on from year to year, from student to student, with a team of 12 people actively working on this vehicle. From the second year to the fourth year, the whole team brings its knowledge and its desire to break records.
Major results / Highlights :
- EcoGreen Challenge: 1st Participation
- Result 2023 : /

- Country : France
- City : Laval
- Vehicle name: iDrogen
- Category: Prototype
- Energy : Hydrogen Fuel Cells
- Team Leader: Thibault DEQUENE
- Manager: Christophe DELILLE
- Name of the institution : ESTACA
🇫🇷Team 7 :
Polytech Nantes (44)🇫🇷
The Polyjoule association is composed of students from Polytech Nantes in various fields (Thermal-Energetics, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Materials), and participates again in the EcoGreen Energy challenge this year with two teams supervised by professors. This allows for diversification of technical work and strategic studies.
Major results / Highlights :
- EcoGreen Challenge: 3rd Participation
- Result 2023: 995 km/L SP95
- Urban electric world record: 2853 km/1L of SP95 – EducEco 2019
- EducEco 2013: 1430 km/1L of SP95

- Country : France
- City : Nantes
- Vehicle name: Cityjoule
- Category: Urban Concept
- Energy: Hydrogen Fuel Cells
- Team Leader: Kevin ROURE
- Manager: Bruno AUVITY
- Name of the institution: Polytech Nantes
🇫🇷Team 8 :
Lycée La Joliverie (44)🇫🇷
Built in 2006 and used until 2018, its record of achievement is exceptional. It has won 13 Shell Eco-marathons out of 13 participations. It holds the CNG world record as well as the records of the Nogaro, Lausitz in Germany, Rotterdam and London circuits.
Major results/Prizes won:
- EcoGreen Challenge: 3rd Participation
- Result 2023: 1345 km/1L SP95
- World record in the proto gasoline category with the equivalent of 3771 km driven with 1 L SP95
- It is the most titled car in the history of the energy race.

- Country : France
- City : Saint Sébastien sur Loire
- Vehicle name : Microjoule 4
- Category: Prototype
- Energy : Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
- Team leader : Maxime NORMAND
- Manager : Cyprien HAZARD
- Name of the institution : Lycée La Joliverie
🇫🇷Team 9 :
Lycée Marcel CALLO (35)🇫🇷
The team is composed of twelve people: 7 students of the Marcel Callo high school of the Professional and Technological Bac, 2 teachers of the high school and 3 adults: members of the Helios association. The vehicle was built in 1996, it is a carbon prototype with 3 wheels of 50kg.
Major results / Highlights :
- EcoGreen Challenge: 3rd participation
- Result 2023 : 1223 km / 1L SP95
- Participation in the Eco Green 2022 challenge in Bio Methane.

- Country : France
- City : Redon
- Name of the vehicle : Helios H2T
- Category: Prototype
- Energy : Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine
- Team leader : Guy DIVET
- Manager : Yannick SACHET
- Name of the institution : Lycée Marcel Callo
🇫🇷Team 10 :
Lycée La Joliverie (44)🇫🇷
The MICROJOULE 5 team is made up of a part of the students of BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur) MCI and MTE (Internal Combustion Engine and All Energy Motorizations).
It is a team of motivated students who work on the project by meeting every Thursday evening between 20h30 and 00h in order to improve it. The two levels of the BTS work in a single group forming a real team cohesion.
Design, realization, development, precision mechanics are on the team’s agenda in order to continue to optimize and perfect MICROJOULE 5. The teachers accompany them, participate and allow the students to flourish in the project.
Major results/awards won:
- EcoGreen Challenge: 3rd Participation
- 2023 result: 2333 km/1L SP95

- Country : France
- City : Saint Sébastien sur Loire
- Vehicle name : Microjoule 5
- Category: Prototype
- Energy : Biomethane
- Team leader: Thomas DAVIEAU
- Manager: Mickaël FARDEAU
- Name of the institution: Lycée La Joliverie
🇫🇷Team 11 :
Lycée Pierre Mendès-France (13)🇫🇷
The team was created in the autumn of 1997 by a group of passionate people, all work colleagues, who wanted to take up the challenge of the Shell Eco Marathon while representing the colors of the Petrochemical Site of Berre. Certain members, all personnel of the site, remained more or less long, but the solidity and the longevity of this team is due to its « hard core »: Guy MARNAT (the team leader), Patrick LOPEZ (the first pilot) and Serge PORATI (the mechanic).
Since then, Stéphane CARNEVALE, current president of the Défi Eco Synergie association, has joined the team and manages the electricity, on-board electronics and engine management. More recently, Denis SILVY, our chief mechanic, and Vincent MARNAT, our logistics coordinator, have joined the team.
For several years, the team has been a partner of the Lycée Pierre Mendès-France of Vitrolles which develops the 3D parts, the optimization of the chassis and the hull as well as the piloting and the race strategies.
Major results / Highlights :
- EcoGreen Challenge: 3rd participation
- 2023 result: 431 km/1L SP95
- Shell Eco-Marathon Europe 2018 – Olympic Stadium Queen Elizabeth II London Proto thermal SP95 : 363km/L
- Challenge EducEco 2016 – Urban Circuit Hainaut Stadium LPG thermal proto : 342km/L (category winner)
- Challenge EducEco 2011 – Circuit of Nogaro Proto thermal LPG : 987km/L (winner of the category)

- Country : France
- City : Vitrolles
- Vehicle name : Helixia
- Category: Prototype
- Energy : Biomethane
- Team leader: Stéphane CARNEVALE
- Manager : Marc PEREZ
- Name of the institution : Lycée Pierre Mendès-France
🇫🇷Team 12 :
Lycée Frédéric OZANAM (35)🇫🇷
The Urban Hybrid team from Frédéric Ozanam high school is composed of first year BTS MV students. Their team is motivated to achieve the best performance possible. They are working hard to improve the car that was made by former students of the school.
Last year, the Oz’ Urban 2 Hybrid ran on CNG, this year their challenge is to make it hybrid again, CNG engine assisted by an electric wheel for starting and running at low speed.
Major results / Highlights :
- EcoGreen Challenge: 3rd Participation
- 2023 result: 227 km / 1L SP95
- In electric in 2016, equivalent 734kms / 1L Sp 95
- In Hybrid in 2019, equivalent 891kms / 1L Sp 95
- Born in 2014
- Motorization:
- 2014 to 2016 Electric

- Country : France
- City : Cesson-Sévigné
- Vehicle name: Oz’Urban 2 Hybrid
- Category: Urban
- Energy : BioGNV
- Team leader: Antoine BELLIER
- Manager: Eric MENARD
- Name of the institution : Lycée Frédéric Ozanam
🇫🇷Team 15 :
Association Team Eco Mobile Appaméen (09)🇫🇷
It is a team of 16 students, 3rd and 4th grade students divided into two groups.
Team Eco Mobile Appamee has 8 members and 1 supervisor. Their electric prototype was made in 2016 as part of a science workshop founded in 2012.
It is the team’s 3rd prototype and has already successfully participated in many competitions such as the Albi Eco Race or the Shell Eco marathon.
Major results / Highlights :
- EcoGreen Challenge : 1st participation
- Result 2022 : /

- Country : France
- City : La Tour du Crieu
- Name of the vehicle : TEMA Mobile
- Category: Prototype
- Energy : Electric battery
- Team leader : Thierry MICHAU
- Name of the association : Association Team Eco Mobile Appaméen
🇫🇷Team 16 :
Collège Pierre BAYLE (09)🇫🇷
It’s a team of 16 students from Pierre BAYLE high school, 3rd and 4th grade students divided into two groups.
The BAYLE Eco Mobile Team has 8 members. The team is motivated by mutual aid, mechanics, team spirit, ecology and the discovery of new things.
Major results / Highlights :
- EcoGreen Challenge: 1st Participation
- Result 2022 : /

- Country : France
- City : Pamiers
- Team name: Team BAYLE ECO MOBILE
- Vehicle name: BAYLE Mobile
- Category: Prototype
- Energy : Electric battery
- Team leader : Sandrine GAY
- Name of the institution : Collège Pierre BAYLE
🇫🇷Team 17 :
Polytech Nantes (44)🇫🇷
The Polyjoule association is composed of students from Polytech Nantes in various fields (Thermal-Energetics, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Materials), and participates again in the EcoGreen Energy challenge this year with two teams supervised by professors. This allows for diversification of technical work and strategic studies.
Major results / Highlights :
- EcoGreen Challenge: 2nd Participation
- Result 2022: 7051 km /1L of SP95
- Shell Eco 2011: 5130 km / 1L SP95
- EducEco 2012: 10017 km / 1L of SP95

- Country : France
- City : Nantes
- Vehicle name : Polyjoule
- Category: Prototype
- Energy : Electric battery
- Team leader : Youenn BARREAU
- Manager : Christophe LE BOZEC
- Name of the institution : Polytech Nantes
🇫🇷Team 18 :
Lycée Jacques de VAUCANSON (37)🇫🇷
The 2nd team from the Lycée Jacques de Vaucanson in Tours is also made up of friends from the STI2D final year class. It is a mixture of STI2D speciality EE (energy and environment) and ITEC which forms a perfect mixture of mechanics and engineers. The pilots were chosen for their small size and light weight. The electric prototype team is made up of Valentin, Maxans, Noa, Maël, Hugo and Maël
Major results/Prizes won:
- EcoGreen Challenge: 1st Participation
- Result 2022 : /
- Male, Female parity award at the Educ-eco challenge in 2017.

- Country : France
- City : Tours
- Vehicle name : VHML
- Category : Prototype
- Energy : Electric battery
- Team leader : Charles DELEBECQUE
- Manager : Laurent MOULIN
- Name of the institution : Lycée Jacques de Vaucanson
🇫🇷Team 19 :
Superior School of Engineering LEONARD DE VINCI (92)🇫🇷
The Vinci Eco Drive association is a student association of the engineering school ESILV in La Défense. Their first project is the efficiency prototype, and it is today the seventh prototype: Nova. The team is made up of a Manufacturing team, which takes care of the design and the manufacture of the chassis, a Ground Linkage team which takes care of the steering, the transmission as well as the braking system and finally the electric system. The battery is taken care of by the Onboard Systems team.
In total, the team consists of about 25 people, supported by three project managers and a technical director.
Major results / Highlights :
- EcoGreen Challenge: 2nd Participation
- Result 2022: /
- Shell Eco Marathon 2019: 3731km of electric consumption equivalent to 1L of SP95

- Country : France
- City : Courbevoie
- Name of the vehicle : NOVA 1.1
- Category: Prototype
- Energy : Electric battery
- Team leader : Héloise HAMEL
- Manager : Clément DUHART
- Name of the institution : École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs Léonard De Vinci
🇫🇷Team 20 :
School district of Mirepoix (09)🇫🇷
The team is made up of students in their final year of high school and the team of teachers who participated in the project.
Their highlight is to have participated in the Albi eco race last year. Unfortunately, they had a problem of overheating of the variator, which led to its breakage.
This year the whole motorization system of the car has been changed.
Major results/Prizes won:
- EcoGreen Challenge: 1st Participation
- Result 2022 : /

- Country : France
- City : Mirepoix
- Vehicle name : Mirelec09
- Category : Urban
- Energy : Electric battery
- Team leader : Chris CHAPELET – Joris GALLART
- Manager : Jean Bertrand FACCHETTI
- Name of the institution : Cité scolaire de Mirepoix
🇫🇷Team 21 :
Lycée Frédéric OZANAM (35)🇫🇷
The Ozanam Urban 2 electric team from the Frédéric Ozanam high school in Cesson-Sévigné is made up of first-year BTS MV students. Their goal is to achieve the best possible performance with their home-made electric car. The car has not been driven for several years, the goal is to get it running again and to make it reliable so that it can be driven and enjoyed. For the performance the team counts on its 2nd vehicle: Oz’Urban 2 Hybrid.
Major results / Highlights :
- EcoGreen Challenge: 1st participation
- 2022 result: /
- Born in 2013
- 2016, Equivalent 504 km / 1L Sp 95

- Country : France
- City : Cesson-Sévigné
- Name of the vehicle : Oz’Urban 1 Elec
- Category : Urban
- Energy : Electric battery
- Team leader : Nathaël QUELLEUC
- Manager : Eric MENARD
- Name of the institution : Lycée Frédéric Ozanam
🇫🇷Team 22 :
INSA Toulouse (31)🇫🇷
Founded in 1995, the TIM brings together students from various backgrounds and with a diversity of profiles. With the goal of designing and building an energy-efficient vehicle, TIM members share their knowledge and exchange ideas and technical solutions. The team’s values are based on sharing, friendship and technical excellence. Each year is a way for them to surpass themselves and face new challenges.
Major results/prizes won:
- EcoGreen Challenge: 1st participation
- Result 2022: /
- World record in the Urban concept category in thermal 711 km/L
- 2019 World record in electric 230 km/kWh
- Personal best to date: 241 km/kWh

- Country : France
- City : Toulouse
- Vehicle name: TIM 07
- Category: Urban
- Energy : Electric battery
- Team leader : Ainhoa SOLDEVILA RIVAS
- Manager : Yvain SUBRA
- Name of the institution : INSA Toulouse